Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Happy this year - SO COOL - for me it is amazing to think that already 2009. Hard to deal with that :) but i will manage - if i look my scedule - I'll see so many exciting plans are ahead.
But first thing what i want to do - is to look back.
Some of my COOLEST friends already knows that we escaped away with Maria and Signe - heheheheheheeee! We just needed to log off from everything ... maybe you never ever have felt that feeling - but i tell you - ONE DAY YOU NEED THAT - doing some a little crazy stuff with God :)
On the 29th to 31.december, 2008 We did little road-trip to Soontaga (somewhere in the south) but i won't talk about much, but i will show it to you :) I want only to say that it was really great way to end 2008 year. PS! Sorry it is in estonian - so if you want to understand that - study language ;) real challenge for this year hehehheheheheheeee! Here it comes...

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