Sunday, August 17, 2008

On the 3-rd day....

...we woke up, we discovered that we are in London – it was gray, rainy and sun was shining behind the clouds. But we were happy – I was sleeping when Riin already took apart a pray-hour with local pastor at 6 o'clock. I was calmly with them (in my dreams at upper-room). There we spent night (Kärdla Baptist Church) THANK YOU!

At 10 or after that we packed our things and with joy we went travel around Hiiumaa.

There were lot of weather in Hiiumaa - but mostly storm and rain :)

First stopping – Tahkuna Lighthouse – WoW...first and the best emotions.

(Wind almost blowed us away – but gravitation and our light-weight did great cowork – and we are still in Hiiumaa).

You see, Riin is fighting with wind!

Before, when i experienced space trip.

Riin and Memory (Dedicated to those who were killed in Estonia catastrophe (1996)

Almost gone by the wind, we had to find some kind of place to rest – we found place, what was over our expectations (5redstar) luxhotel (with sauna, livingroom and so on....)

After then when money ended – we needed to built up our own forestcabin – that didn't give very good shelter.

Riin was volunteer to prepare for us lunch with red mushrooms.

After big lunch us invited to Paris. We had to meet there some famous people under the Eiffel Tower. Luckily we met there man who built up that tower.

[Dedication to Maria: We gave to your flip-flop-shoes possibilty to be on the ground of Paris – look clearly Riin's feet :) You can pay travelcost for your shoes later.]

Suddenly our way was blocked – ambulances, police, – there were big rally. But our car was so fast, that they were afraid and didn't take us to the race. So we drove by all cars and going to find some warm food. There weren't [ei kippu ega kõppu] nothing – so we reached to Kõpu lighthouse.

That was like big Tunnel :)

Foooood – too early get excited – the worst experience with comments.

[Dedicated to Maria] From Kõpu

IT was still raining and raining and raining. We were happy, because we knew, that we can't spend night in the tent – but weren't no idea – where to stay. We just went to door-to-door asking for shelter. Suddenly we just lost in Hiiumaa forest – that was awful – i was crying almost hour when i found Riin.


We had big quetion all the time where is the Sun but then we saw in the poster, that Tätte and the Sun are in Kärdla today's eve. So then we understood the reason why it was raining all the day in our place in Kassari.
We bought house after when we had our dessert-meal with coffee (that was good one). As you see – our lovely home is pink one – so now you can visit us in Hiiumaa :)

In the evening we had little missunderstanding – because i dared to say to Riin that coffee isn't so strong. But very soon we were friends again – and now i have much more space in my mouth. (By the way, now i spit better than Riin).

Our sleepingroom door :) Riin is coming our and I am coming in :)

And time for interview:
Riin, tell me most exciting experience about today?
Riin: „Actually, when we found our questhouse. I think now i know where i do my honeymoon“
Really? I am happy for you. Just no words.
Riin: „ Efka, I have quetion for you too – how are the roads in Hiiumaa?
Roads are good – but only when we on the right road. Map-reader just read map on the wrong page – but fortunatly Hiiumaa is an island – we can't get lost quite hardly. And it makes our trip much more exciting and we see different towns and villages several times.
Riin: „ Ouch – and who is your map reader! Ok, plz don't answer to that quetion :) So, as i understand – you have travelled long distances.“
Actually yes, everywhere where we saw signs – there were written max longest distance approximately 20 km. (Lot of driving!) And we still haven't kill our car.
Riin: „Something happened? Seriously?“
Mhmm, how to say – on the road one horse almost hit our car (i think, that horse is rassist- hates white Opels) and one big stone decided to climbed under the car and began to scream. But anything didn't fall apart and we gave to my little Opel free evening off. Just letting be alone and enjoying nature for 15 hours. But now is already late night, so we are going to our pink-lovely-little house – to have a pink dreams!
16-th, August, 2008 Saturday – at 10 in the night.

... On the fourth day we just wanted to discover Saaremaa also and as you see - we are already on the boat :)

And climbing at the Kaali!
So - ending :) Now we are going to visit Maila and coming back together tommorow to Rakvere :)

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