Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Shining People

Have you ever seen, person who really shines :) ?
I have, quite often - mostly when I am in the church or together with christians. Sometime to the non-christians seems that those people are very weird - too much happiness, too much joy - but no drugs, alcohol or something else :) , but there is something what keeps them shining all the time.
I am really happy, that I am belonging also to that company heheheheheheeee! But it is not coming by myself - but it comes from God. You experience that, when you are getting to know Him, and what plan and purpose He has for you life. You are like coming out from prison to the freedom - and that makes your spirit, soul and body shine! Freedom in God!

Shining Maria and Mariliis - In somewhere Otepää road :) (last weekend)! We were in Risttee Church camp - and that is how we spent our free-time :=)



  1. MINE METSA!!! kui lõbus meil oli:) see on nii naljakas kuidas sellised lihtsad ajad lihtsalt muutuvad nihukesteks seiklusteks, et pärast muutkui mõtled ja muigad!:) Meie Jumal on tõsiselt äge!! järgmise korrani eks;)!hehehee

  2. Mulle meeldib kui metsa aetakse, tundub, et viimasel ajal seal kõige põnevamaid asju toimubki :)
    Vaatame, mis järgmine seiklus on - heheheheeee!
