Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The day before Christmas Eve

We are very often talking about Christmas Eve and that is really important - for me there is a very huge meaning. But what happens the day before that?
Usually it is 23-december - so happy birthday to all friends: MOMM, RIHO, EVA!!!!! I can sing a song - but the present for you is that i won´t :P so they can all save your ears hehehheheee!
The day before that .... i woke up at 6:30 am (it was hard - and that was only my friends "fault" :) they didn´t said to me that i have to go home in a wise time.) And then Maria called - cool - that was fun and i even almost didn´t sleep yet.
.....day before .... morning procedures :)
.....day before .... breakfast at 7:00am (this time mushrooms) heheheheheee - yes, yes - i know nobody eats mushrooms at 7 o`clock in the morning - but now you know one person who does that - little weird - but for me is quite strange to be normal.
.....day before..... read Bible :) refreshing!!!
.....day before..... looking for my car (here it is right under the snow - yehuuu! Winter, you are showing your clothes already the day before ..... cool - i am already exciting about christmas Eve!!!) Some morning exercises with car and then to the journey to hospital ehehheheheeee!!!!
.....day before .... i went work ( so it means - i am at work now too - as you see - i am doing hard work hehehheheheeheeee). and if i be honest really that is my hobbie and now i can deal with my hobby for 24 hour - so i hope that is special time!
....day before.... drank cup of coffee - it is 11:35am and only one cup - Efka, good!
....day before.... I am going to eat - today is special meal .... we are going now ....
....day before ... I even working :) everytime that is so special - I am really thankful that God has given me such kind of work :)!
...day before... were born 3 lovely babies, where i could be part :) (Two boys and one girl) -HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
...day before... is ending already and I am still sitting at my workingtable :) wow what I am doing here - GO SLEEP :) OK!!!!
.... THERE IS NOT ANYMORE -The Day Before Christmas Eve-
"Thank You Lord, that you were created that day for me and for every person in the world - Whose You loved so much, that you gave Your beloved Son. That no one will perish, but everybody will living forever!" [Efka`s free translation John.3:16]

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