Friday, October 16, 2009

Joy in the Lord

In few hours will begin again our youthmeeting - that is such a privilege what God has given to us - to our church - privilege to serve those youths. In every day they growing closer and closer to God and also to my heart - and they are so dear to me :D Today we are going to talk about joy - joy in the Lord. I am so glad to see how they see God in their everydays life and how they are sharing Word of God. They are so shiney - and happy and I hope that nobody can steal their joy! We have had some small-groups - and young people are so talktive - cool - they just with enthusiasm talk about what little miracles God has done in their lives.

At the moment we have 5 smallgroups (homegroups) to the youths - 12-14 years girls, highschool girls, 15-18 years guys, 16-17years girls in Kadrina and 18year plus group where at the moment guys and girls are together. We need more groups of course - but at the moment are things so :D and I am so thankful for every leader who are doing that work with fullheart.

Two years ago there were times when we had in the youthmeeting maybe 10 or 15 youths - but now if we have in the youthmeeting like 30 or 35 youth - already then youths are saying - why so few are here today :)

At the moment there is about 80 young people who are going in the youthgroup or small group at least twice in a month. THAT IS SO COOL :) And it is interesting to see - that almost in every youthmeeting there is somebody new one. That is privilege!!!! That is joy!!! Thank You for victory!

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