Saturday, January 24, 2009

Uniquely Special

God created us so unique, so special - very often we even don't understand that. Last evening - i could be together with 25 uniquely special girls. And God remembered that again to me how unique we are in His eyes.
That time was so awesome. We did this time our youthmeeting separately - girls and guy (guys were in the other place in sauna, they had extremly cool time also).
We drove away with girls - to find out where is our landing place and only a little we got lost - but that didn't bother us :), but made us more joyfully. We just were somewhere in a dark middle of the fields and snow. But finally we found our small and cool cottage.
For me it was so special to get know each other stories - and these were special ones. Already in the cars Maria gave assignments, what united our teams more, later we had to play that in our party place.
WE LAUGHED A LOT! Some girls who were first or second time in our youthmeeting were amaze how happy and full of joy are christians - everybody were like little suns :) So I believe that already very soon we'll meet with those lovely girls again and can hear new stories what God has done in their lives :)

God's Princesses in girls special eve :)
Show program...
... dancing and singing (that is amazing what girls could figure out while they were driving in the car about 30 minutes- LOT OF TALENTS :)

Special course mostly homemade :)

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