Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Blessed day!
I got some hours to spend with Tapa Russian School students. They were lovely. I love russian people - they are much more open than estonians and if the have quetions, ideas - they spread them out.
I did some lectures to 11-16 years girls. Half in estonian, half in russian - and i am not very strong in russian language, but it was fun. We discussed quite intimate themes - and I was really amazed how open girls were and asking quetions. Sometimes, when I am doing lectures - not easy to get connected with students, but today ... yesss :)
Later I went also one birthday party with midwifes and in the evening we had cellgroup. That is so privilege to share and pray together with those lovely people/friends.
Now is quite late - have to go to bed. Tommorow workday - needing a little healing to my right hand (today was quite hard to drive car only with my lefthand hahahaaaa! Comic!)
So - we'll see :) anyway - that was really blessed day!!!

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