Saturday, January 22, 2011


... marks in peoples life with whom we relate.

I really enjoyed last night - we had girls eve. We were together, doing funny stuff, worshipping - had great conversations. They are so sweet!!!
I love them so much!!!
I am so excited about them!
God has so awesome plan for their life!!! They have put their handprints into my life - and impacted me on a good way. It is so sweet to see - how they with full of their heart want to follow God.

They are such a example for me - just one 15 year old girl said there about challenges - I love to accept challenges even when I am afraid to do those things in the beginning - but I know that God is with me and there could be something very special. I would like to face it - and with that she couraged the other girls too!!! Wow!!! Handprints!!!
Just thinking what kind handprints I have left in people's lives? Is it always positive? Lately I have had some hard conversations too - and now I am a little confused, did I spoke with right words? I don't want to mess up things. That makes my heart a little heavy.

But I know, that there is a Helper - who gives wisdom and guidance and I love to leave positive handprints!

So, I am sorry, if I hurt somebody - but next time I try to do better :)

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