Monday, January 17, 2011

Freedom with God every morning

He has made every morning for us and He has given freedom in Him - if we want that.

Just some few days ago we had in our little church great worship-service named FREEDOM

Different worshipbands came together from all over the Estonia - not to show how talented they are, but to worship God, our Lord with all of the heart.

Saturday morning I came from work - little tired. I was thinking: "Mmmm, service will begin at 2 pm and lasts to 9 pm. Too long and my flesh is tired, maybe I'll go later and anyway I am at church every week at least three times, what can change - God works everywhere."
I caught my thoughts: "efka, what are you thinking about??? That is not right thinking - I know God is preparing something special for you!"
I made my decicion - I am going there in the beginning, not listening what my flesh is talking - of course i did little rest at home before the service.
But you see - even in thinkings - there is freedom to choose - for example: to go or not to go! But better was to go in that situation.

That was awesome! AWESOME!!! We worshipped God for 7 hours. That wasn't concert - that was amazing worship time! Can't describe that. There wasn't only music with what we worshipped God, but 7 hours worship time Ain from Kuressaare painted a picture (pic is below) And he is praising God so, that he is painting God's Word. There is freedom 1000 different ways how we can give praise to Him :)

Again some walls inside of me were broken down, that I can move on much more easier.

Yes, I have been christian for 16 years, but still struggling with some things - not giving some areas fully to my God. It was life changing time and it lasts still now. I even got some concrete instructions for this year.
[Hanna, that was SO important and necessary that you came!!! I am so glad - thank youuuuuu!!!]
We just have to give ourselves to Lord.

Sunday morning worship went on! At church, with friends - even when we had saunaparty in the evening, what ended with visiting emergency room after little jumping/dancing in slippery floor hahahaa! - it didn't switched off our joy :) (Even there nurses gave orders - now you have to lift up your hand for some days-ahahhaa)

We have freedom everywhere - maybe it sounds a little crazy - but we are crazy for God!
Aren't we, Maria?

What is freedom in God - joy and peace in your heart - and thankful heart to Lord. And that is not only for you, but for every person, who desires that and accepting that!!!
Take this FREEDOM - and you'll see how life is changing.

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