Friday, January 21, 2011

Anita had a birthday yesterday

... and I already wanted to write yesterday something for her :)
She is so sweet and lovely - my dear friend and I am so happy, that we have done so much together :) She is so talented and God has very special plan for her.
One day I was thinking - how we met ... she was in Rakke. And I remember huge Rakke youthcamps in Salla - most of the students were non-christians and guys and she was responsible for those camps. I went there usually only one evening to do program but thinking - wow, that is a work :)

Then time went on - and she began attending in Karmel church. I saw her sometimes - but we didn't do a long talking - I didn't know, that now she was living in Rakvere. But thanks to Maila, she invited her one birthday party - and then I got to know - she is in Rakvere for some years - I was amazed. (But sometimes my problem is, that I don't notice quieter person - I have to deal with that.)
But after that we became really good friends. That is so funny how different we are - I really enjoy that :) we have done already together so much crazy stuff.
And quite many times she has rescued me too hahahhhaaaa! :) Even when I shock her - she is taking very calmly my crazy doings - like once - right after South-Africa trip - i didn't tell anybody, that i had quite serious health problem. On that day we arrived and in the evening we had to go to the youthleadersconference in Viimsi. I sneaked to hospital :D didn't want to shock my friends, but i needed a little surgery. But with all my heart I wanted to go the conference - in hospital they said, that they don't want let me out. But I did sweet talking :) But I couldn't travel in Tallinn alone, so I called Anita :) and said that don't be amazed, what I talking now. I told all story and she said: OK, I'll come to pick you up. Not extra quetions (she knew that sooner or later I will talk anyway everything) And we could go to the conference :D Yesss!

One year and half she has been one of our church youthleaders and part of the leaders team.

And that is so awesome to work together Yeiii!

She is so dear!!!!!

With Lisbet

Blessings dear Anita, that is so privilege to be your friend and to do youthwork!!!

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