Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Coffee table

... that describes my day today perfectly :)
Sometime when you spend your time at the table, you don't do anything wise - but today I am feeling that is lead by my God. And I am so happy about that :)

My morning begin at my workplace - I was at a nightshift. One beautiful baby girl was also born :) and I was the first one, who could hold the newborn. So my day began with privilege.

[In pic: coffee ~5 years ago at lake Peipsi]

First coffee table - at my work - talking, laughing, courageing collegaues - that was so sweet.

Then back to home. Coffee and my laptop - some talking with Maria :) [See you in the evening at coffee table]

Then back to Rakvere - third coffee (not exacly coffee but Kakao) I and my friend had one interview with journalist - making article about youth counselling - I was thinking that it takes one hour, but it was so good to talk so we were together hours. I haven't seen my friend for a long time - so after interview we just shared and listening each other stories. That remembered me - how many precious people surrounding us and how little time we are taking with them. Quality time.

But I hadn't eaten yet, so I decided to go to eat Art Caffee. Taking time by myself. Fourth coffee table. Also speaking with Riin in MSN. Next to the table were sitting one girl - reading. But for me was just a girl - when I had spent time an hour - girl stand up and looked at - asked Efka? I looked at her, Lotta? Hhahahaaaa!!! She was sitting next table to me and I didn't noticed - so she sat next to me and we had one sweet conversation. That made my day.

At the moment I am sitting alone - and enjoying time. Thinking - quite soon I will go also to church - where we have boardship meeting - fifth coffee (there maybe I prefer tea).

And when it is finished - then one special meeting what I really wait - is meeting with Liis. Sixth coffeeee (there I prefer maybe water) hahhahaaaa!

I believe that those times what is ahead today are really special and blessed time. Maybe for someone it sounds a little boring day - but that is a day - where I can invest in different relations. I love that! So, welcome to the table! :)

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