Friday, September 2, 2011

September - Calling

God is calling to you every day. What we do? Do we answer?
This is also today's evening youthmeeting theme :) This youthmeeting is the first one in this season - and in my heart I feel really awesome excitment. I believe that is not only season opening but in every students and team-member heart opening for God!!! Passion - that I want more God, more to know Him, more to know His Word - and love for the others :)
I believe - today will be awesome eve!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I was talking with my mom - she was spent time with my granny and she said: "Efka, do you know, what has been your granny's most funniest profession - and she got officially paid for that?" I couldn't figure out :)


Wow, she was working at her young age in Siberia some kind malary-center. She and one other girl - they had special things with what they tried to catch them. And every evening they had to write report :D WOW :)
Mosquito catcher family 15 years ago :)
(Grandpa passed away last year) But my granny is still full of power :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

There is always Success with God

It is already second half of summer. The time has been blessed and I've seen how God is working amazingly among our youths and kids.
We have had two amazing camps in our church. One was for youths - English camp named Collision and the second one just ended last week - was our kids camp named One Way.
Those were super. I saw how God changed students and kids heart and how well worked our young leaders - taking care of each-other. Sharing out God's love. I am proud of every students - and it so great to know, that they are not just some students but very lovely friends - I really preciate them and enjoying every moment with them.

Kunda EC 2011 Collision

Children camp 2011 - One Way

In a EC - 3 students gave their lives to Jesus. That is so awesome. And many children gave their lives to Jesus in children camp. Interesting fact about kids camp - that it was raining terribly and we almost decided to end the camp one day earlier -because lot of tents were full of water (mine too) and it seemed that there is no ending coming more water. Quite desperate situation (we were for 4 days living in the forest with tents with 55 kids and 35 students and camp leaders, making food on fire - quite extreme but really awesome) - but suddenly on saturday morning came resolution - we got keys one house - so we coud continue the camp and on that evening many kids got to saved. That was AWESOME!!!! :)
On the last day of the camp - kids were crying - didn't want to leave - they said that it was the best camp forever - even team said that it ended too quickly even most of the leaders have slept only for some hours. But this left the mark - God's fingerprint to every kids heart (many of them were from non-christian families) :) I saw how it joined our teenagers leaders heart - they gave their best :) And I believe this work is going on - blessed! Thank you, Lord :)
But in this summer there have happend more lovely things :)
My dream-birthdayparty - my friends made this special (it lasts for 3 days-in the forest) hahhahaaaa! (There were over 40 people - came those who could and wanted - open to everybody)
Maila and Henry got married! Yehuuuuuuuu!!!!!! Maila, that's my girl :)
Spending special time with Riin, Siki.
Janek and Rebekah moved to Kunda (today we having supper together at Liis' place - already waiting for that) mmm :)
Having a lot of fun :) and i really enjoy reading (every spare moment, even when i am sitting in the car and waiting somebody).
Having vacation and now I am back to work - and even for two weeks there is lot of lack of sleeping, but the joy is really high :)
And at the moment 3 roses at my tabel remembering me that I really love my work at hospital too :) even when there is so much work to do and eyes don't stay open anymore - babyboom :D
And all thank to God - He is making me strong and that I can walk in His peace and joy :) SUPER!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sweets in yesterday

Yesterday was lovely and also the day before yesterday - my best days in this summer (ahahaa - summer hasn't even begin) But what made those days - of course friends!!!

We just spent time together and that made my heart rejoice :D

Friends whom i haven't seen already like half a year and suddenly one friend appeared middle of the day in Rakvere (i knew that she is in Hungary) - no words almost came my mouth - I just couldn't believe my eyes. (Really hard to describe feelings :) ) SO HAPPY!!!!

In the evening we went also to Paide with Riin and Liis. And this place is my second homeplace - lot of memories and lot of good work what God has done in my life there.

When I was there in the church service - I was thinking how those dear peole have impacted my life so awesomely.

Friends are gift from Lord - SWEETS!! (Pic made in Paide chilling :D ) Muahh!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

School of Leaders

First year finished :D (5-th of June, 2011)

That was very special time and special people.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Coffee table

... that describes my day today perfectly :)
Sometime when you spend your time at the table, you don't do anything wise - but today I am feeling that is lead by my God. And I am so happy about that :)

My morning begin at my workplace - I was at a nightshift. One beautiful baby girl was also born :) and I was the first one, who could hold the newborn. So my day began with privilege.

[In pic: coffee ~5 years ago at lake Peipsi]

First coffee table - at my work - talking, laughing, courageing collegaues - that was so sweet.

Then back to home. Coffee and my laptop - some talking with Maria :) [See you in the evening at coffee table]

Then back to Rakvere - third coffee (not exacly coffee but Kakao) I and my friend had one interview with journalist - making article about youth counselling - I was thinking that it takes one hour, but it was so good to talk so we were together hours. I haven't seen my friend for a long time - so after interview we just shared and listening each other stories. That remembered me - how many precious people surrounding us and how little time we are taking with them. Quality time.

But I hadn't eaten yet, so I decided to go to eat Art Caffee. Taking time by myself. Fourth coffee table. Also speaking with Riin in MSN. Next to the table were sitting one girl - reading. But for me was just a girl - when I had spent time an hour - girl stand up and looked at - asked Efka? I looked at her, Lotta? Hhahahaaaa!!! She was sitting next table to me and I didn't noticed - so she sat next to me and we had one sweet conversation. That made my day.

At the moment I am sitting alone - and enjoying time. Thinking - quite soon I will go also to church - where we have boardship meeting - fifth coffee (there maybe I prefer tea).

And when it is finished - then one special meeting what I really wait - is meeting with Liis. Sixth coffeeee (there I prefer maybe water) hahhahaaaa!

I believe that those times what is ahead today are really special and blessed time. Maybe for someone it sounds a little boring day - but that is a day - where I can invest in different relations. I love that! So, welcome to the table! :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Joke of the day :)

From Vahur when she looked at me: "Wow, it is so great to see, that I can be young still very long time!" [Those understand who understood]

Saturday, January 22, 2011


... marks in peoples life with whom we relate.

I really enjoyed last night - we had girls eve. We were together, doing funny stuff, worshipping - had great conversations. They are so sweet!!!
I love them so much!!!
I am so excited about them!
God has so awesome plan for their life!!! They have put their handprints into my life - and impacted me on a good way. It is so sweet to see - how they with full of their heart want to follow God.

They are such a example for me - just one 15 year old girl said there about challenges - I love to accept challenges even when I am afraid to do those things in the beginning - but I know that God is with me and there could be something very special. I would like to face it - and with that she couraged the other girls too!!! Wow!!! Handprints!!!
Just thinking what kind handprints I have left in people's lives? Is it always positive? Lately I have had some hard conversations too - and now I am a little confused, did I spoke with right words? I don't want to mess up things. That makes my heart a little heavy.

But I know, that there is a Helper - who gives wisdom and guidance and I love to leave positive handprints!

So, I am sorry, if I hurt somebody - but next time I try to do better :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Anita had a birthday yesterday

... and I already wanted to write yesterday something for her :)
She is so sweet and lovely - my dear friend and I am so happy, that we have done so much together :) She is so talented and God has very special plan for her.
One day I was thinking - how we met ... she was in Rakke. And I remember huge Rakke youthcamps in Salla - most of the students were non-christians and guys and she was responsible for those camps. I went there usually only one evening to do program but thinking - wow, that is a work :)

Then time went on - and she began attending in Karmel church. I saw her sometimes - but we didn't do a long talking - I didn't know, that now she was living in Rakvere. But thanks to Maila, she invited her one birthday party - and then I got to know - she is in Rakvere for some years - I was amazed. (But sometimes my problem is, that I don't notice quieter person - I have to deal with that.)
But after that we became really good friends. That is so funny how different we are - I really enjoy that :) we have done already together so much crazy stuff.
And quite many times she has rescued me too hahahhhaaaa! :) Even when I shock her - she is taking very calmly my crazy doings - like once - right after South-Africa trip - i didn't tell anybody, that i had quite serious health problem. On that day we arrived and in the evening we had to go to the youthleadersconference in Viimsi. I sneaked to hospital :D didn't want to shock my friends, but i needed a little surgery. But with all my heart I wanted to go the conference - in hospital they said, that they don't want let me out. But I did sweet talking :) But I couldn't travel in Tallinn alone, so I called Anita :) and said that don't be amazed, what I talking now. I told all story and she said: OK, I'll come to pick you up. Not extra quetions (she knew that sooner or later I will talk anyway everything) And we could go to the conference :D Yesss!

One year and half she has been one of our church youthleaders and part of the leaders team.

And that is so awesome to work together Yeiii!

She is so dear!!!!!

With Lisbet

Blessings dear Anita, that is so privilege to be your friend and to do youthwork!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Blessed day!
I got some hours to spend with Tapa Russian School students. They were lovely. I love russian people - they are much more open than estonians and if the have quetions, ideas - they spread them out.
I did some lectures to 11-16 years girls. Half in estonian, half in russian - and i am not very strong in russian language, but it was fun. We discussed quite intimate themes - and I was really amazed how open girls were and asking quetions. Sometimes, when I am doing lectures - not easy to get connected with students, but today ... yesss :)
Later I went also one birthday party with midwifes and in the evening we had cellgroup. That is so privilege to share and pray together with those lovely people/friends.
Now is quite late - have to go to bed. Tommorow workday - needing a little healing to my right hand (today was quite hard to drive car only with my lefthand hahahaaaa! Comic!)
So - we'll see :) anyway - that was really blessed day!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Freedom with God every morning

He has made every morning for us and He has given freedom in Him - if we want that.

Just some few days ago we had in our little church great worship-service named FREEDOM

Different worshipbands came together from all over the Estonia - not to show how talented they are, but to worship God, our Lord with all of the heart.

Saturday morning I came from work - little tired. I was thinking: "Mmmm, service will begin at 2 pm and lasts to 9 pm. Too long and my flesh is tired, maybe I'll go later and anyway I am at church every week at least three times, what can change - God works everywhere."
I caught my thoughts: "efka, what are you thinking about??? That is not right thinking - I know God is preparing something special for you!"
I made my decicion - I am going there in the beginning, not listening what my flesh is talking - of course i did little rest at home before the service.
But you see - even in thinkings - there is freedom to choose - for example: to go or not to go! But better was to go in that situation.

That was awesome! AWESOME!!! We worshipped God for 7 hours. That wasn't concert - that was amazing worship time! Can't describe that. There wasn't only music with what we worshipped God, but 7 hours worship time Ain from Kuressaare painted a picture (pic is below) And he is praising God so, that he is painting God's Word. There is freedom 1000 different ways how we can give praise to Him :)

Again some walls inside of me were broken down, that I can move on much more easier.

Yes, I have been christian for 16 years, but still struggling with some things - not giving some areas fully to my God. It was life changing time and it lasts still now. I even got some concrete instructions for this year.
[Hanna, that was SO important and necessary that you came!!! I am so glad - thank youuuuuu!!!]
We just have to give ourselves to Lord.

Sunday morning worship went on! At church, with friends - even when we had saunaparty in the evening, what ended with visiting emergency room after little jumping/dancing in slippery floor hahahaa! - it didn't switched off our joy :) (Even there nurses gave orders - now you have to lift up your hand for some days-ahahhaa)

We have freedom everywhere - maybe it sounds a little crazy - but we are crazy for God!
Aren't we, Maria?

What is freedom in God - joy and peace in your heart - and thankful heart to Lord. And that is not only for you, but for every person, who desires that and accepting that!!!
Take this FREEDOM - and you'll see how life is changing.