Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy birthday; Anita :)

... what you had already last tuesday :) I was a little worried that I can't be part of your party because of my work, but your quests weren't very hungry last night (good choice)heehheheee - so you called today , that there is left some cake - heehehheheheeheee! Now i am coming soon :) but without present - so luckily you don't know that yet and I hope that you open the door :)

But I wanted to say that you are great and lovely God's women and He has gifted you with many different talents. So, be bold - and do so, what He had told to you and you see miracles on your way. That has been privilege to be your friend - you are darling to me. So lot of HUGS!!!!
That was grazy night in Art Caffee :)
That is craziest pic what I found about you - with future elf and soviet milkmaid :)


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Uniquely Special

God created us so unique, so special - very often we even don't understand that. Last evening - i could be together with 25 uniquely special girls. And God remembered that again to me how unique we are in His eyes.
That time was so awesome. We did this time our youthmeeting separately - girls and guy (guys were in the other place in sauna, they had extremly cool time also).
We drove away with girls - to find out where is our landing place and only a little we got lost - but that didn't bother us :), but made us more joyfully. We just were somewhere in a dark middle of the fields and snow. But finally we found our small and cool cottage.
For me it was so special to get know each other stories - and these were special ones. Already in the cars Maria gave assignments, what united our teams more, later we had to play that in our party place.
WE LAUGHED A LOT! Some girls who were first or second time in our youthmeeting were amaze how happy and full of joy are christians - everybody were like little suns :) So I believe that already very soon we'll meet with those lovely girls again and can hear new stories what God has done in their lives :)

God's Princesses in girls special eve :)
Show program...
... dancing and singing (that is amazing what girls could figure out while they were driving in the car about 30 minutes- LOT OF TALENTS :)

Special course mostly homemade :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Shining People

Have you ever seen, person who really shines :) ?
I have, quite often - mostly when I am in the church or together with christians. Sometime to the non-christians seems that those people are very weird - too much happiness, too much joy - but no drugs, alcohol or something else :) , but there is something what keeps them shining all the time.
I am really happy, that I am belonging also to that company heheheheheheeee! But it is not coming by myself - but it comes from God. You experience that, when you are getting to know Him, and what plan and purpose He has for you life. You are like coming out from prison to the freedom - and that makes your spirit, soul and body shine! Freedom in God!

Shining Maria and Mariliis - In somewhere Otepää road :) (last weekend)! We were in Risttee Church camp - and that is how we spent our free-time :=)


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where is SUN on SUNday?

WHERE IS SUN on SUNday? Have you though about...
Outside is already dark - I almost slept whole day - only in the morning I was in church :) so, today i haven't seen much daylight, but i met with my SUN on SUNday. That was again deep and close experience.

SUN was warming my spirit, He was talking with me - already in the morning. Already, when i finished work (even before that) and came home, thinking I am too tired for SUN today. That is lie. You are never too tired for SUN, He is refreshing you, giving strength and joy, even when you are thinking that SUN is too shiny or hot or straight. You need your SUN for everyday life - there is always something special for you. I repented AGAIN!
My SUN, My GOD!!! Thank YOU!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Happy this year - SO COOL - for me it is amazing to think that already 2009. Hard to deal with that :) but i will manage - if i look my scedule - I'll see so many exciting plans are ahead.
But first thing what i want to do - is to look back.
Some of my COOLEST friends already knows that we escaped away with Maria and Signe - heheheheheheeee! We just needed to log off from everything ... maybe you never ever have felt that feeling - but i tell you - ONE DAY YOU NEED THAT - doing some a little crazy stuff with God :)
On the 29th to 31.december, 2008 We did little road-trip to Soontaga (somewhere in the south) but i won't talk about much, but i will show it to you :) I want only to say that it was really great way to end 2008 year. PS! Sorry it is in estonian - so if you want to understand that - study language ;) real challenge for this year hehehheheheheheeee! Here it comes...