Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One month to go

Today - in one month we are going to South-Africa with Liis. Preparing time has been quite interesting, of course there is also some pressure - but finally has done all paperwork - and now it is not depend on us, do we get visas or not. That decision will do consular :) and I hope that will be positive :) and we get know that to the end of the next week.
I strongly believe that on this trip there will be God's blessing.

Just today came new challenge - I got sms - that flight schedule has changed. In the beginning was: WHAT? And now we have to figure out - how to exchange one flight tickets in Africa. So for us adventures has already began. But I have absolute peace in my heart and I know there will be OK with God.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Connection-groups - we named our youth smallgroups so :)

Connection with God!
Connection with church!
Connection with friends!
Connection with new friends!

Today we gathered together with our youth connection-group leaders and our pastor Gunnar shared some things from Word of God.
At the moment we have in our church 5 youth smallgroups - and today we could share with eachother, how is it going!!!

Leaders are:
Anette and Pille (12-14 years girls)
Erki, Gert and Ardi (13-17 year guys)
Maila and Anita (17-19 year girls)
Liis, Maily and Maria (18+ guys and girls)
Regiina, Kadi and me (14-16 girls living in Kadrina-14 km from Rakvere)

I am really happy, that those leaders are ready to give their heart for the youths. Sometimes it is not a easy work, but if you are working for God - things are different.
My heart is jumping with joy - how God is lifting up leaders and training them and working inside of them. And I keep praying that Lord is lifting up more leaders who are taking their position and following with 100% Lord.

Guys, it is such a privilege to work with you!!!
Thank you Anette, Pille, Erki, Gert, Ardi, Maila, Anita, Liis, Maily, Maria, Regiina and Kadi!!!
(In pic missing Anette, Pille, Gert, Ardi, Kadi and Maria - they couldn't come today)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Best relation ...

... that was theme last night when our youths gathered together to Avispea. (Pastor Erek and Pilvi are also so kind letting us there, thank you!) At the moment for the young people is merry time - school vacation. Yehuu, but we wanted to use that time wisely - so we had wednesday night youthevening where they could also stay for the night - and we talked about relations between guys and girls and God in those relations.

43 people (picture is small but if you look carefully there is 42 youths :) ) gathered together and it was so great to see - how quickly everybody got connected with each other and could talk about different themes. Also we had good fellwship time - half of them almost stayed awake whole night :) It is so good to see how God is working in their lives and they grow closer and closer to God. And they not keeping only that in themselves but also sharing it out.

Worship time

Piret and Hillar sharing to youths

So I am already excting, what God is doing next because already in 7 hours we begin our trip with youths to Lithuania to be part there of youthconference!
Good night and see you soon :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Future teachers, doctors, presidents, lawers

On last Saturday we had in Rakvere huge children day "Super Friend" Children from all over of Estonia came together and there were together over 400 children - to find out who is the best friend - and to the end of the day they found out - that Jesus is their best friend - who is wise, strong and faithful :)

All day was really great - children could sing together, see the perfomance and dance, then they could make a play themselves and to do a little handicraft. Everywhere you went you saw happy faces.

All team was great - they functioned together and it wasn't matter to them that they could sleep only few hours - they were ready to serve and invest to those future teachers, presidents, doctors, lawers, pastors, socialworkers and so on.

God works awesomely :)

Our team!

What happened in VIP-room - Liis, Efka, Maila, Maria :)

Maria and Miikael

Band (Liis K. Mariliis, Kessu and Ardi) + children

Childrens Day programleader Merle and her husband Gert

Sports group

Jesus is faithful friend - group

Royal group - Jesus is wise Royal groupleaders

Jumping dance

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Excitement :)

It so exciting - that there are sometimes some things, where you even can't begin to dream and already somebody is fullfilling that. With me happended that again - so great!
God is awesome!!!

In the beginning of last week Liis mentioned that she wants to go to South-Africa ( this country is for her and for Maria like second homeplace, where they lived as a students a year four years ago) and I said to her: "So cool, I want to come!" (making a little joke) - but as you know - those words, what you speak out loudly - there is a power of fullfillment (Bible said that). But then we finished that conversation and I didn't think about that anymore :) But next day I was at Tapa Reformatory School doing lecture there (challenge for me again) and after finishing lecture and sitting in my car ( still excited about everything) Liis called me and asked, do I really mean to come to South-Africa :) I almost screamed to her, that she is crazy and that is absolutely crazy idea - but I will say yes to that. So she reserved plane tickets and in two days we bought tickets (those were so cheap $500 from Stockholm to Johannesburg - there and back)! Everything went so quickly - I even couldn't almost think with clear mind :D I only listened my heart - and there was green light, only my mind were screaming hahahhaaaa!
So now we are going to South-Africa at the end of January and we will back at the end of February - so cool! And main place where we are going to stay is Port Elizabeth. Now we need get done some papers and visas and then we are ready to go. Just before that I was talking with my pastor - and he remembered me, how important is resting time and we have to plan that- sometimes you have to get away from everything to think clearly, and so - opportunity came! On February is my vacation :) but I believe, that God will do also great things there. And we are ready to serve there. At the same time our youthwork of course goes on with full power - we have very cool youthleaders team - and if me and Liis are away - the others will manage greatly - I KNOW THAT FOR SURE! My smallgroup girls also are excited - because - they can lead the smallgroup by themselves (there are already good young leaders growing) and using my apartment.
It is so interesting to see how supportive is everybody - my boss was so excited too - and was agree that I can't come to work for a month - and in summer I can get also some vacation :) my parents were a little schocked (specially my dad) hahhahaaa! But now is OK!
So with Liis we are feeling peace in our hearts to go there and before that I believe - that there will happen more very exciting things with GOD!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Joy in the Lord

In few hours will begin again our youthmeeting - that is such a privilege what God has given to us - to our church - privilege to serve those youths. In every day they growing closer and closer to God and also to my heart - and they are so dear to me :D Today we are going to talk about joy - joy in the Lord. I am so glad to see how they see God in their everydays life and how they are sharing Word of God. They are so shiney - and happy and I hope that nobody can steal their joy! We have had some small-groups - and young people are so talktive - cool - they just with enthusiasm talk about what little miracles God has done in their lives.

At the moment we have 5 smallgroups (homegroups) to the youths - 12-14 years girls, highschool girls, 15-18 years guys, 16-17years girls in Kadrina and 18year plus group where at the moment guys and girls are together. We need more groups of course - but at the moment are things so :D and I am so thankful for every leader who are doing that work with fullheart.

Two years ago there were times when we had in the youthmeeting maybe 10 or 15 youths - but now if we have in the youthmeeting like 30 or 35 youth - already then youths are saying - why so few are here today :)

At the moment there is about 80 young people who are going in the youthgroup or small group at least twice in a month. THAT IS SO COOL :) And it is interesting to see - that almost in every youthmeeting there is somebody new one. That is privilege!!!! That is joy!!! Thank You for victory!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

... and new home

... so now I have new home too - this time I will go to live in Kadrina :) lovely apartment - so, you are welcome, my friends :) see you there!!!! For me is that quite a kind record - a car and home with one week - wow hahahhaaaa! Thank you Lord!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tommorow will have a new car

So, I decided - tommorow I will buy new car. Though is even for me funny - but I need new one and several things needed to do - so I have to do that step. (I almost killed with Maria my Opel).
Peace is in my heart - so for me it means green light. Maybe I decided too quickly - maybe, but maybe not. That's how I make decisions - sometimes my even my friends saying that i am a little crazy - but that's me :) Bye-bye my opel :) "Opel is dead, long live the Opel!" Quess what is new one ... :D ???

Friday, August 7, 2009

Child of God

Great news :) Julia is a child of God. Just last night after church service - she did hers dedication to Lord! Sooooooo great. My heart jumped seeing lovely and dear girl shining with smile and tears in her eyes.
I met with her in English Camp and now she made her next step! So our new baby-sister!
She just let connect her lifestory with God's story and I believe, Julia - you have an amazing time with God every day!!!
In pic Anita, Lea and Julia ( Lea called Julia to EC) :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Last vacation day

So tommorow back to work :) those 28 days passed so quickly that I even couldn't figure out that I had vacation. But I really thank God what He did during that time. For me - that was really busy, challenging, facing really hard things in my personal life but at the same time I saw how God made my days most prettiest. I feel more stronger and looking back to the some things - now I see, that those challenges were like exams. Most incredible of course were English Camp. God worked in His ways - and those EC students are deeply in my heart. I am amazed also how hardly I am missing all EC folks. That was awsome - don't have words to describe. - Here is pictures what has made with my camera.
Thank you Lord for every day what you made and what are coming!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just Morning

Just drinking tea with honey - I try to change something - for example, instead drinking so much coffee, I try to prefer green-tea :) Yeah, that is hard, but I LOVE CHALLENGES (of course I won't give up with coffee but try to reduce amounts - Congratulations Efka!
The other thing why at the moment tea is great - I got cold at the hottest day of this year - too funny for me!
My car broke down - so I can celebrate with tea - that some day I will get new car [Maila - i remembered what you said some weeks ago :) ]
Tea is GREAT!
[If you didn't understand anything what was written - that is OK - not your fault :) ]
The day is great anyway!!! Thanx Lord!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Global Prayer Day

At 31.May 4:17am sunrise - All over the Estonia in different places youths were gathering together to pray for Estonia in that early morning - so do we :)

Pille, Maria and Me - we went to highest place in Rakvere to pray for our nation, goverment and more and more... Maybe some can say - only three people - but for God is OK - He had said in His Word "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dedication to Maria :P

Maria, I wanted to write that blog to you - why
There are different reasons :)
But one of the reason is, that you are amazing and when we went playing bowling - i got such kind of pics about you that i laughed an hour :)
I couldn't believe - how natural you are hahahahahhahaaaa!

I know, when you are coming to Rakvere - you want to kill me hhehehehehheeeee!

Look at you! So NATURAL :D


And all this pic have made in 30 minutes :)
You are great, girl!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Being everywhere in the same time...

Sometime there are coming times (in my life very often) where at the same time there are several things where you have to be - and you want to be -EVERYWHERE. Today is a such kind of day - and it is so HARD to say NO for some things - terrible. :) Really - deep inside of me - I know - where I have to be for sure, but... (OK, no buts) :) and no excuses. [Sometimes I like to manipulate with excuses - but through that I have learned, things are going then more complicated :) ]

OK - I try to be WISE (I am not very good in that hahahhahahaaa!) and do right choices - and I really believe that what is written in the Bible: "Discretion will protect you and understanding will guard you." Proverbs 2:11 So, I will go out with God's wisdom :) and I know already, that today is blessed day!!! :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

God is working in Rakvere :)

So - quiet day - half :) Lately have so many positive things happen and I am really thankful to Lord for all that. Because, in every day where we live, God has made those days for us.
Riin where in my place - even we were so tired to talk a lot - but I just enjoyed your company (i know, you are reading that blog) and today morning went so quickly - that we could only drink coffee together - [By the way Riin, I am coming Paide on 8-th April :) to be with Ellen's girls, so I will call you :D]
Last night we did dinner together with friends in my place - before we went cinema (not very good movie-but i stayed alive :) ) But in the Sunday morning - that was happy!!!
Then was sunday morning meeting and six our youths joined with our church members! That was so great. They got baptized two weeks ago in our youthcamp - and now it was formal - lay hands on!!! My heart is always full of joy when youths are doing dedication to Lord.

Church elders (Veronika, Meelis and Gunnar) are laying hands on Mattias.

Also in youthmeetings are in really high-times. Youths want to more and more get to know God - and in EVERY youthmeeting there are at least one NEW person! And that is so wonderful to see how quickly they are getting friends with eachother. And our team also is really motivated - seeing how God is working. That is not our strength - but HIS!!!

On friday youthmeeting!

Anitas game from France :) Girls vs Guys

More games :)

Worship time!

Young preacher Anette sharing hers testemony!

The other preacher :) Regiina!

Maria is sharing about friends through God's perspective - and examples are Jaanika and Kristiina :)

Usual friday midnight shift after youthmeeting :D this time felloshipping and playing UNO-cards!

There is much more to talk about but now I have to hurry to my really good and lovely friend's birthday party! But see you later and then we can share again what God has done in small town named Rakvere!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Choose life

... that was our youth wintercamp theme. That was awesome!
God is Great!!!
Thank you everybody - who give their time and invest into the Karmel's youths lives!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009



... about camping - those times are for young people very special - and to me also. Of course in organizing process - you are thinking - does everything go well - how God is moving this time :)

I have been in different camps for 14 years - and never ever i haven't been in a bad camp :) so I already know that tommorow will begin for our Karmel teenagers and team very special camp what lasts for 3 days. Living togeter - learning about God, worshiping, praying, having fun, night action in forest, baptising (yes - this time we have baptising in the camp - so exciting - 8 persons get baptised), our pastor Gunnar, Märt Saar and Meeme - are preaching there :)

Now just looking over some last things and then .. one, two, three - START! Those people, who are in the team - they preparing different things with their heart and are ready invest their lives into the teenagers life :) And team is super! Maybe I am overexcited - but that is privilege to work with that team.
Thank you God!
Thank you team!
Thank you youths!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Young people

The greatest young people in my life :)

Biblestudy time :)

Guys - YOU ARE GREAT - See you in the camp!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

H.O.T (Hea Olla Tuline)

Are you burning for God :) with 100% ? About that we talked last night in our youthmeeting where main theme was H.O.T. (Hea Olla Tuline est. - Good to be Hot). When you are hot and burning for God then it doesn't matter what kind of situations you are in - even very hard situations - you see how God makes you strong, firm and wise and how to come out from there. But you have to give yourself 100% and trust Him.

Last night my heart just jumped for joy - about 30 burning youths were togeter, worshipping, praying, sharing God's Word, having fun, celebrating birthdays, fellowshipping and engouraging each other. That was amazing! And the happiest part was that - one girl named Helen who was first time in the youthmeeting - gave her heart for God! Yehuuu! For sure angels where celebrating that in Heaven :) That is really hard to descibe that joy :)

God is just AMAZING!!!
Susanna and Helen :)