Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Excitement :)

It so exciting - that there are sometimes some things, where you even can't begin to dream and already somebody is fullfilling that. With me happended that again - so great!
God is awesome!!!

In the beginning of last week Liis mentioned that she wants to go to South-Africa ( this country is for her and for Maria like second homeplace, where they lived as a students a year four years ago) and I said to her: "So cool, I want to come!" (making a little joke) - but as you know - those words, what you speak out loudly - there is a power of fullfillment (Bible said that). But then we finished that conversation and I didn't think about that anymore :) But next day I was at Tapa Reformatory School doing lecture there (challenge for me again) and after finishing lecture and sitting in my car ( still excited about everything) Liis called me and asked, do I really mean to come to South-Africa :) I almost screamed to her, that she is crazy and that is absolutely crazy idea - but I will say yes to that. So she reserved plane tickets and in two days we bought tickets (those were so cheap $500 from Stockholm to Johannesburg - there and back)! Everything went so quickly - I even couldn't almost think with clear mind :D I only listened my heart - and there was green light, only my mind were screaming hahahhaaaa!
So now we are going to South-Africa at the end of January and we will back at the end of February - so cool! And main place where we are going to stay is Port Elizabeth. Now we need get done some papers and visas and then we are ready to go. Just before that I was talking with my pastor - and he remembered me, how important is resting time and we have to plan that- sometimes you have to get away from everything to think clearly, and so - opportunity came! On February is my vacation :) but I believe, that God will do also great things there. And we are ready to serve there. At the same time our youthwork of course goes on with full power - we have very cool youthleaders team - and if me and Liis are away - the others will manage greatly - I KNOW THAT FOR SURE! My smallgroup girls also are excited - because - they can lead the smallgroup by themselves (there are already good young leaders growing) and using my apartment.
It is so interesting to see how supportive is everybody - my boss was so excited too - and was agree that I can't come to work for a month - and in summer I can get also some vacation :) my parents were a little schocked (specially my dad) hahhahaaa! But now is OK!
So with Liis we are feeling peace in our hearts to go there and before that I believe - that there will happen more very exciting things with GOD!


  1. Ohh.....i am so happy for you Efka, and i am not surprised at all. When i knew about this from you - it sounded so YOU! I believe God has great things for you and Liis there in Africa! Go with FIREEE!:-)

  2. JUST GO FOR IT;) Im sure the trip will be amazing and God is gonna use you and touch people tghrouh you and you tghrouh SA people!! I´m happy that you are going and im more than surethat this trip is not planne by you but bu somone bigger;) bless you my favorite GIRLS !!!
