Friday, October 30, 2009

Best relation ...

... that was theme last night when our youths gathered together to Avispea. (Pastor Erek and Pilvi are also so kind letting us there, thank you!) At the moment for the young people is merry time - school vacation. Yehuu, but we wanted to use that time wisely - so we had wednesday night youthevening where they could also stay for the night - and we talked about relations between guys and girls and God in those relations.

43 people (picture is small but if you look carefully there is 42 youths :) ) gathered together and it was so great to see - how quickly everybody got connected with each other and could talk about different themes. Also we had good fellwship time - half of them almost stayed awake whole night :) It is so good to see how God is working in their lives and they grow closer and closer to God. And they not keeping only that in themselves but also sharing it out.

Worship time

Piret and Hillar sharing to youths

So I am already excting, what God is doing next because already in 7 hours we begin our trip with youths to Lithuania to be part there of youthconference!
Good night and see you soon :)

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