Saturday, February 7, 2009

H.O.T (Hea Olla Tuline)

Are you burning for God :) with 100% ? About that we talked last night in our youthmeeting where main theme was H.O.T. (Hea Olla Tuline est. - Good to be Hot). When you are hot and burning for God then it doesn't matter what kind of situations you are in - even very hard situations - you see how God makes you strong, firm and wise and how to come out from there. But you have to give yourself 100% and trust Him.

Last night my heart just jumped for joy - about 30 burning youths were togeter, worshipping, praying, sharing God's Word, having fun, celebrating birthdays, fellowshipping and engouraging each other. That was amazing! And the happiest part was that - one girl named Helen who was first time in the youthmeeting - gave her heart for God! Yehuuu! For sure angels where celebrating that in Heaven :) That is really hard to descibe that joy :)

God is just AMAZING!!!
Susanna and Helen :)

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