Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Being everywhere in the same time...

Sometime there are coming times (in my life very often) where at the same time there are several things where you have to be - and you want to be -EVERYWHERE. Today is a such kind of day - and it is so HARD to say NO for some things - terrible. :) Really - deep inside of me - I know - where I have to be for sure, but... (OK, no buts) :) and no excuses. [Sometimes I like to manipulate with excuses - but through that I have learned, things are going then more complicated :) ]

OK - I try to be WISE (I am not very good in that hahahhahahaaa!) and do right choices - and I really believe that what is written in the Bible: "Discretion will protect you and understanding will guard you." Proverbs 2:11 So, I will go out with God's wisdom :) and I know already, that today is blessed day!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. So Efka tell me what were these two places you wanted to be:D ??!!! YOu made me curious:D!!
