Friday, June 22, 2007

Wednesday in action

If to talk everything honesty, then it happened so, that in one beatiful day i got phone call and my former school leader called me and said that u are chosen to go meet with president of Estonia Toomas-Hendrik Ilves and his wife. I was surprised.... but exited, that again i can do something new - yehuuuuuu! And 20th, of June was that day. Now i had to find me also a cardriver who wants to take me to Tallinn - and Maria was a bestchoice - because she never has driven with car there and that opportunity bring all us big excitement. Hehehehheheee - and also Birgit came with us - just that we have also a good companinon - heheheheeee! Ok, look our lovely wednesday!
In the beginning we only didn't know where does that castle of president is. So in Tallinn we only two times missed that place - but lastly found. And what a surprise - we reached earlier, so in the park we got time one hour to look around. In first pic Me and Maria!!! And minute later - she almost fell in that lovely water - but luckily she didn't got wet - hehehheheheee!

The second pic ... in the park of Kadriorg and me enjoying the morning!
A little talking with Maria - my great friend and and at the moment car driver also - i think she managed so well - if sometimes we didn't saw a red light - that was ok, but we are alive - yehuu!
The first flower garden! Birgit and Maria!

That was really beautiful!!!

Oaktree and me at the same garden in Kadriorg.

Resting moment - help, we need to go toilet - heheheheeee!

Ups, we are acting like tourists - everywhere need to take a pic - heheheheehee!

If to look that pic very carefully then u see there president of Estonia. That was after that when i was meeting with president. Put i forgot to make pic there, and remembered when i was already leaving, that i could take one pic toooo. Hhehehehehe! But that meeting was really great!

In Tallinn went everything great, then we need to come back, because our great friend Liis graduated highschool and we want to reach there graduation - but we saw on the road very beatiful flowerfield where we decided to pick flowers to her... so Maria and Birgit are in action!

Ok, ready to go - look, how beautiful these are!
Look, Liis - she is so beautiful with her sis and mom! But afterthat - afterparty in her place - yehuu!

In the table is present for Liis :)

She is surprised, seeing the present!

Two in one!

And that party ended late at night - and emotions where very high!

Volvo is full of girls in midnight - home leaving - Goood bye!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

My friends wedding

My young friends Maily and Riho were getting married in 9th of June!

That was really happy day! We enjoyed that with full heart! And the first pic - our single girls who are going to wedding to enjoy and hopeing that some time will come their right time - hehehehehehe! (Riin, Liis, Maria - I was in the first seat with our car driver Liis K). - Our single girls car - yehuu!

Look - how beatiful they are - Riho & Maily!!!!

Hahahahahahahaaa - driving back home from wedding! Our sleeping beauties!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Refreshing spring

In Estonia - lastly spring has came, leaves are coming to trees and everything gets alive! Wonderful - i feel that - i am getting alive too! Like in my spiritual life has spring came. God has given to me also different kind of opportunities - too be just in some conference - where God has so fufilled me with the good food! It is quite hard to describe that feeling and work what God has done - but i feel very strongly that inside of me something has changed for 180 degree. Also at work my collegues are asking - why i am so happy - i don't know! But of course i know - everything is so okey!!! So I believe - that God has given me some resting time, what i can enjoy in Him - Praise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Youthcamp in Avispea - LOSE YOURSELF TO GOD

- Cup of coffeee and then to work... with preparing team - next to me is Maily - my great friend!
Now I am back from Youthcamp what lasted three days! These events are always so special, because these times changes everytime in me something. It doesn't matter, that usually there can't rest and sleep... but that is YOUTHCAMP and youths never sleep - heheheheheheheeee... so i couldn't sleep much also. But it was so great to see how quickly was "icebreak" because there wasn't only our church youths - yes, that was our church youthcamp with some friends from the other churches. The place was small and there were 40-45 youths but we had so GREAT time!!! I always enjoy when i can be together with youths because they are also my friends too and they are so special to me and i love each of them :)
Maila is designing our wonderful campingplace!!!

As always - our problem is - programming over - hahahaahhahaa! But it was really fun - every person who did something there - it was so great and interesting - of course the best times were we could together worship God and enjoy His presence and listen His voice and Word!

IN the Friday evening - youth are listening main preacher Hanna (18) her adventures with God in Australia - where she spent time for 6 months.

Worship time!

Later in the evening we just took time to pray and worship - that was so special and life changing! Some of the youths just were crying in the presence of God - the others just kneeled!

Morning active action!!! MOVE IT; MOVE IT... - Maily is leading :) And that wasn't slow - no mercy - ahahahahaaa...

Morning pray!!! We need that everyday ...

Looking to the kitchen side too... Liis and Irina - not agree with me, that I could make good pic of them

... Ups, teamleaders sleepingroom - mess as always ... ahahahahahaaaaa... why i am not amazed

Youthpastor Gunnar with fun costume is taking some names from the box - so who is the lucky one and can in the morning wash dishes... LOSE YOURSELF :)

I have much more pic but in the other camera - so maybe if i got some time - i add some pic more ... so as u already see in some pic - we had wonderful time - maybe next time you want to come and join - hahahahahaaaa!

But I am so thankful to God for that camp - Thank U Lord!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Already over two months

Oh, no! I haven't written already for a long time - and so many things has happened! Ok, now I am fulltime working midwife - i graduated - yehuu, and very well! And I really love that work - of course I haven't forgot youthwork also - just preparing for a youthcamp, what is beginning in Friday! So, as u see - all the time is going on something special.
Today most of the time i spend with my very good friend Irka - as u see in the pic - what has made today!

Friday, January 12, 2007

... 5-years and dream is fulfilled

Now - yehuu - i have finished my graduation work - it feels so good. I feel now absolutely peace in my heart, praise to Lord. Now i can concentrate to the other things, and enjoy. But I am very thankful that i could study in the medical school and now is graduating time - these almost 5 years have gone quite quickly - i even remeber that day - when God told me to go to that school... i can tell :)
It was september, 2001 year and we had three days youthleaders team training. It was study time and Veiko Arume was teaching something. I had little notebook where i write if i think that God is talking... so i was sitting there and suddenly came word inside of me - you are going to medical school and u select midwife profession. I was amazed, because i never ever had thought about to get midwife. But i wrote that down and i didn't tell that anybody.

Time went on - sometime i was praying of that but these thoughts were so funny, because about 1,5 years ago i finshed economical school and got already bachelor degree. But that thought didn't go away. In April i went to that school open-doors days - some of my friends looked at me with amazed "why are you going there? you never have talked about that", but that was in my heart. So this idea went deeper in my heart and i was sure i go to that school - it doesn't matter that it lasts almost 5 years. So in summer were exams to attend to that school and then my parents looked at me too that you are crazy - but they have seen already that these "crazy" decisions usually are later right. So i did these exams and it was peace in my heart - some people asked, but what are u doing then if u don't get to that school - but i said that i get there. (Later i got know that 6 persons wanted to one place :) if i knew maybe that earlier, maybe i could be afraid.

And in the end of August i saw the list and my name was there - yehuuuu - i was so happy - i could attend to that school. My parents were so amazed too, because they said later honestly that they didn't believe that i could get in there.

So i went to that school - i was studied there already for two weeks and one day i was praying - "God, is it your will surely???" Because in the beginnig was quite hard, but i studied with joy, but i needed a little confirm. At the weekend - I went with my youths to the other town to one seminar. There were two english men - who taught about prophecy. And on that seminar, suddenly one man came to me and said: "This lady here, is dealing with medicine" and then he gave prophecy, what i am going to go. I was abslutely blown out - it was huge confirming from God - and all youths were amazed too, because they knew that i just attend to that school.

So all these years of my studies have gone very well - and it was quite easy to study - because i knew that i was in the plan of God.

For me it was absolutely miracle and it is now one dream that has almost fulfilled :) and now i can go on - yehuuu and work as midewife...

It is all the time interesting to do plans with God and u see that then all the plans later will be fulfilled.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Step by step to the next day - 4-th day

Today I made one really good discover - with God is one day like 1000 years - so it means I have got plenty of time to finish my graduationwork - hahhahahaa - think - 6000 years. It must be good one then, but we'll see that. With God everything will go OK!!! And now I'll go to write that on ...

3-th day of 2007

So already the third day of the year - (it is middle of the night) and so much has happened - ... what has happened, for example today I learned how to put pictures to the net - uhuuu (big thing for me, because i learned that by myself - and that wasn't absolutely hard)... and the greatest was that i could spent time with very lovely guy ... Kristofer who is already almost 6 month old and he is my neighbour. Nothing special - but i enjoyed the day - how about u??? Did u find what happened good with u today? Think about that and you will see, that there are many thing about what you can give thanks to God!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

2-day of 2007

What a lovely day - it is one step closer to my one dream - to graduate my school - i only have to finish my diploma work and that is all. But it seems that it will be the huge step - hhehehehehee, but with God i will manage, that is right. I got only one week and a one day - to give that work away ... uhhh lovely... not much time anymore

But the 2-d day of 2007 was great too - we went to play bowling and i got the best score what i haven't got, before - 160 points - my personal record - i had to mention that - i know for players it is not much, but .... i am happy - it is so great to having happiness and joy in a small things, it always helps to see life from the bright sight - and then it is easier to fulfill your goals and purposes. The joy of the Lord is my strenght, even when there are some not very happy things - but I have God's power to WIN and I AM WINNER TYPE!!!

Monday, January 1, 2007

...2007 - the best year in my life

And that is - the year 2007 - cool... why it is the best year in my life - i don't know, but only what i know - it is up of me what kind of year is coming ... what i believe and what i dream - such kind of year will be seem... heheehheee... people usually forget to dream, but we need that - because if you are not dreaming - then it can't be getting true too.
So, lets begin to dream - and i believe that dreaming with God - dreams will be coming true and we'll see that every day will be the best day in our lives!!!
Today i haven't done nothing - only enjoying the day with coffee. But that is at the moment very important - it is like vacation hehheheeee. So happy blessed New Year 2007...