Friday, January 12, 2007

... 5-years and dream is fulfilled

Now - yehuu - i have finished my graduation work - it feels so good. I feel now absolutely peace in my heart, praise to Lord. Now i can concentrate to the other things, and enjoy. But I am very thankful that i could study in the medical school and now is graduating time - these almost 5 years have gone quite quickly - i even remeber that day - when God told me to go to that school... i can tell :)
It was september, 2001 year and we had three days youthleaders team training. It was study time and Veiko Arume was teaching something. I had little notebook where i write if i think that God is talking... so i was sitting there and suddenly came word inside of me - you are going to medical school and u select midwife profession. I was amazed, because i never ever had thought about to get midwife. But i wrote that down and i didn't tell that anybody.

Time went on - sometime i was praying of that but these thoughts were so funny, because about 1,5 years ago i finshed economical school and got already bachelor degree. But that thought didn't go away. In April i went to that school open-doors days - some of my friends looked at me with amazed "why are you going there? you never have talked about that", but that was in my heart. So this idea went deeper in my heart and i was sure i go to that school - it doesn't matter that it lasts almost 5 years. So in summer were exams to attend to that school and then my parents looked at me too that you are crazy - but they have seen already that these "crazy" decisions usually are later right. So i did these exams and it was peace in my heart - some people asked, but what are u doing then if u don't get to that school - but i said that i get there. (Later i got know that 6 persons wanted to one place :) if i knew maybe that earlier, maybe i could be afraid.

And in the end of August i saw the list and my name was there - yehuuuu - i was so happy - i could attend to that school. My parents were so amazed too, because they said later honestly that they didn't believe that i could get in there.

So i went to that school - i was studied there already for two weeks and one day i was praying - "God, is it your will surely???" Because in the beginnig was quite hard, but i studied with joy, but i needed a little confirm. At the weekend - I went with my youths to the other town to one seminar. There were two english men - who taught about prophecy. And on that seminar, suddenly one man came to me and said: "This lady here, is dealing with medicine" and then he gave prophecy, what i am going to go. I was abslutely blown out - it was huge confirming from God - and all youths were amazed too, because they knew that i just attend to that school.

So all these years of my studies have gone very well - and it was quite easy to study - because i knew that i was in the plan of God.

For me it was absolutely miracle and it is now one dream that has almost fulfilled :) and now i can go on - yehuuu and work as midewife...

It is all the time interesting to do plans with God and u see that then all the plans later will be fulfilled.

1 comment:

  1. The best part about dreams is that when you wake up after a good one can roll over, go back to sleep and have another good one :D Even better part is God gives us better than our dreams :D

    Psalm 37:4, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 :D
