Friday, June 22, 2007

Wednesday in action

If to talk everything honesty, then it happened so, that in one beatiful day i got phone call and my former school leader called me and said that u are chosen to go meet with president of Estonia Toomas-Hendrik Ilves and his wife. I was surprised.... but exited, that again i can do something new - yehuuuuuu! And 20th, of June was that day. Now i had to find me also a cardriver who wants to take me to Tallinn - and Maria was a bestchoice - because she never has driven with car there and that opportunity bring all us big excitement. Hehehehheheee - and also Birgit came with us - just that we have also a good companinon - heheheheeee! Ok, look our lovely wednesday!
In the beginning we only didn't know where does that castle of president is. So in Tallinn we only two times missed that place - but lastly found. And what a surprise - we reached earlier, so in the park we got time one hour to look around. In first pic Me and Maria!!! And minute later - she almost fell in that lovely water - but luckily she didn't got wet - hehehheheheee!

The second pic ... in the park of Kadriorg and me enjoying the morning!
A little talking with Maria - my great friend and and at the moment car driver also - i think she managed so well - if sometimes we didn't saw a red light - that was ok, but we are alive - yehuu!
The first flower garden! Birgit and Maria!

That was really beautiful!!!

Oaktree and me at the same garden in Kadriorg.

Resting moment - help, we need to go toilet - heheheheeee!

Ups, we are acting like tourists - everywhere need to take a pic - heheheheehee!

If to look that pic very carefully then u see there president of Estonia. That was after that when i was meeting with president. Put i forgot to make pic there, and remembered when i was already leaving, that i could take one pic toooo. Hhehehehehe! But that meeting was really great!

In Tallinn went everything great, then we need to come back, because our great friend Liis graduated highschool and we want to reach there graduation - but we saw on the road very beatiful flowerfield where we decided to pick flowers to her... so Maria and Birgit are in action!

Ok, ready to go - look, how beautiful these are!
Look, Liis - she is so beautiful with her sis and mom! But afterthat - afterparty in her place - yehuu!

In the table is present for Liis :)

She is surprised, seeing the present!

Two in one!

And that party ended late at night - and emotions where very high!

Volvo is full of girls in midnight - home leaving - Goood bye!!!!!!!

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