Tuesday, January 2, 2007

2-day of 2007

What a lovely day - it is one step closer to my one dream - to graduate my school - i only have to finish my diploma work and that is all. But it seems that it will be the huge step - hhehehehehee, but with God i will manage, that is right. I got only one week and a one day - to give that work away ... uhhh lovely... not much time anymore

But the 2-d day of 2007 was great too - we went to play bowling and i got the best score what i haven't got, before - 160 points - my personal record - i had to mention that - i know for players it is not much, but .... i am happy - it is so great to having happiness and joy in a small things, it always helps to see life from the bright sight - and then it is easier to fulfill your goals and purposes. The joy of the Lord is my strenght, even when there are some not very happy things - but I have God's power to WIN and I AM WINNER TYPE!!!

1 comment:

  1. And just think, when God brings graduation dream true then He will give even bigger dreams :D

    Congratulations on bowling too, I don't think I could get the 60 part O____O :/ :)
