Sunday, May 6, 2007

Refreshing spring

In Estonia - lastly spring has came, leaves are coming to trees and everything gets alive! Wonderful - i feel that - i am getting alive too! Like in my spiritual life has spring came. God has given to me also different kind of opportunities - too be just in some conference - where God has so fufilled me with the good food! It is quite hard to describe that feeling and work what God has done - but i feel very strongly that inside of me something has changed for 180 degree. Also at work my collegues are asking - why i am so happy - i don't know! But of course i know - everything is so okey!!! So I believe - that God has given me some resting time, what i can enjoy in Him - Praise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. :D I pray God will greatly bless you always, the He will strengthen and refresh you in Christ so you are ready to minister for Him in whatever doors He opens for you after rest :D

    Psalms 46:10

    Pete :)
