Monday, January 1, 2007

...2007 - the best year in my life

And that is - the year 2007 - cool... why it is the best year in my life - i don't know, but only what i know - it is up of me what kind of year is coming ... what i believe and what i dream - such kind of year will be seem... heheehheee... people usually forget to dream, but we need that - because if you are not dreaming - then it can't be getting true too.
So, lets begin to dream - and i believe that dreaming with God - dreams will be coming true and we'll see that every day will be the best day in our lives!!!
Today i haven't done nothing - only enjoying the day with coffee. But that is at the moment very important - it is like vacation hehheheeee. So happy blessed New Year 2007...


  1. Cool, if I think of something to say and type it fast enough I'll be first to comment :)

    I was just about to start with "each year has it's blessings and challenges and lessons ahead..." but I prefer to think of it all as being each DAY :) How can we best use today for God? What are things we have done that we could do better? What are things we haven't done that we could try?

    Sometimes a dream we have for a day or a year seems to later turn into a nightmare, but later again we can look back and see God had given us what He knew we needed, not what we thought we wanted. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

    And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 NIV


  2. amen,totaly agree with you Efka.kui me ei unista,siis ei olegi mille poole püüelda...ja igat päeva tuleb võtta kui ainukordset kordumatut:-)
    ja üks kuulus inimene sellel maamunal juba ütles kord - I have a DREAM....
    Nii et suured inimesed unistavad:-)

    And one thing more - great idea to make a blog Eff - keep going girl:-)
