Saturday, December 20, 2008

Quests at ART_CAFE

So when youthmeeting ended - suddenly we discovered ourselves in a special - place ... wow ... something interesting ART_CAFE. Special eve - because there were all God creatures - very different with all their talents. It is really hard to explain - so I just have to show all to you - please don't be afraid - those are only pictures. And in the beginning i just want to say sorry - that i publish those pictures - but i know that only some special people are reading that ( so Maria, if you are hearing me here - give me call :P !!! )
So let me introduce you some parttakers :) and we made there some art :)
In alphapetical order:
Here comes Anita - perfect - full of joy and full of art.

Efka (me) - I just melted into the art - and here i am :)

That is Liis' ART_look!
That hits you really strongly!
So - be careful!
That's the woman - Maila! Terrible - i didn't have any crazy pic about her - so sad ..........
But i promise that one day i will find something :)
Maria - at the moment (in the pic) most spiritual person in a room. She almost flies - and the most important thing is that red paper - so you can ask from her what was in that paper - i can't tell - because it is secret :)

Meeme - last but not least!
That is special pic - so i hope that you are not reading that blog :)
As you saw ART_Cafe is really strange place - where are strange people - but if you are enough bold then you can come there!
See you!!!
PS! That blog is really weird (maybe next time it comes a little sensible) - sorry for that and good-night hehehehehheee!

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