Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fishers of Men

Last night we had little but very important gathering! Some of our youthministry key-persons got together - because of English Camp. For me team-meetings are always special ones!
I am so thankful to God, that He has put together those people and they are ready invest their life into the youth lives. And that is privilege to work with that specialteam!
Thank you: Merle, Gert, Maily, Liis, Anita, Ardi, Jarmo! (I know there are much more special ones :) )
Also was there Chris - sharing God's Word and some things about EC.
We are fishers of men - so EC is one tool how to fish. We experienced already that last year and the result were great. Now we are checking over our provision and then LET's GO FISHING!
I believe, everybody got couraged and are ready to follow the vision and purpose of God!

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