Saturday, February 7, 2009

H.O.T (Hea Olla Tuline)

Are you burning for God :) with 100% ? About that we talked last night in our youthmeeting where main theme was H.O.T. (Hea Olla Tuline est. - Good to be Hot). When you are hot and burning for God then it doesn't matter what kind of situations you are in - even very hard situations - you see how God makes you strong, firm and wise and how to come out from there. But you have to give yourself 100% and trust Him.

Last night my heart just jumped for joy - about 30 burning youths were togeter, worshipping, praying, sharing God's Word, having fun, celebrating birthdays, fellowshipping and engouraging each other. That was amazing! And the happiest part was that - one girl named Helen who was first time in the youthmeeting - gave her heart for God! Yehuuu! For sure angels where celebrating that in Heaven :) That is really hard to descibe that joy :)

God is just AMAZING!!!
Susanna and Helen :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fishers of Men

Last night we had little but very important gathering! Some of our youthministry key-persons got together - because of English Camp. For me team-meetings are always special ones!
I am so thankful to God, that He has put together those people and they are ready invest their life into the youth lives. And that is privilege to work with that specialteam!
Thank you: Merle, Gert, Maily, Liis, Anita, Ardi, Jarmo! (I know there are much more special ones :) )
Also was there Chris - sharing God's Word and some things about EC.
We are fishers of men - so EC is one tool how to fish. We experienced already that last year and the result were great. Now we are checking over our provision and then LET's GO FISHING!
I believe, everybody got couraged and are ready to follow the vision and purpose of God!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Coincidentally :)

One day I took my phone and called one dear friend saying: "Hey, what do you think if I on Sunday coincidentally reach from Rakvere to Paide meet you there and then accidentally we are going to Kunda visiting the other dear friend?
She said: "I love coincidents!"
The other friend said: "You are crazy! But coincidents are great, especially planned ones."
I was agreed but that is not my fault, that there is a little craziesness (grammar is wrong here) - God created me so heheheheee! And not by accident He created us - but with purpose :)
So we realized that "coincident"! That was my best 1st February in this year :)
In that morning my car didn't work - luckily that changed - I thought, she (yes, she is she) didn't want to be outside whole night where were -19 degree in Celsius but I talked a little with her and refreshed - and then she was again obedient.
Then I was in our churchmeeting and right after meeting i drove to Paide - taking Aili (one cool youth) with me. And then I calculated my time wrongly and discovered that i have to drive 83 km with 20 minutes. Of course i respected earthly rules and drove politely 90 km per hour :) and we had really great conversation. So a little we delayed , but most of the church meeting we could be part of in Järvamaa Christian Center.

Do you know that we are branches of really cool tree named Jesus :) If you didn't know that before, now you know! So, hello, Branch! Same TREE - it doesn't matter how long is our distance, we are branches-yehuu!

In the evening we coincidentally reached to Kunda and amazing, we didn't get into any trouble - enjoyable girly night - we needed that :)
Thank you my friends, that you are open to those "coincidences."

One of "coincidence victim" Riin :) on 2-th Feb at our lunch table after hard shopping - heheheheheeheheheheheeee!!!! The other "victim" was Liis - but I forgot to make pic :(
I want to courage you, if you don't have happenings - then make them happen and you see how special day you and your friends get!