Saturday, November 17, 2012

At 8, Saturday morning, Sleepy, Loca, Mushroom Soap and GLS

It is morning - Saturday morning - opening eyes - what a place - so sweet!!! Thank you, Kadi!
A little bit hard (waking up, I mean). But everybody (Kadi, Anita and me) feeling excitment, because it was second day of GLS in Tallinn.
We have to be out at least 8 o'clock in the morning - because of conference - NO :) because last night we left our car somewhere - and free parking in Tallinn, it is only to 8 :)
We have one hour - haven't eaten breakfast - where, Kadi, where we can eat at 8 in Sat morning (Kadi's cakes we ate already yesterday). There is coming answer: "I don't know!" Mmmmmm...
Let's find out - all places closed.... sleepy, hunger for coffee... fun...and  hard....
And then - there is loud music - in the saturday morning - where? where? if there is a music - it means, there have to be a coffeeeeee!!!
Loca - fun place - entering to caffee - huge smile and loud welcoming - hahahhaaa!!! In Estonia that kind of greeting is rare, specially in the morning - but that make all of us happy and smile!
They didn't had usual breakfast - but coffee and mushrooom soup is really OK!!! With thankful hearts doing morning prayer - and took out Bible, let's take one scripture from Bible for today :) Anita said - stop and Kadi said number - and there is verse from Jonah 1:6: "How is it that you are sleeping? Get up, call on your God!"

Now we are ready for conference - LET's GO GIRLS!

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