Friday, November 23, 2012

Evening reading - what to choose???

Some of my books :) what to read today :)

What counts?

No one earns points with God for the number of sermons they listen to , nor how many times they have read the Bible through. What counts with God is not that we talk the talk, but that we walk the walk.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

At 8, Saturday morning, Sleepy, Loca, Mushroom Soap and GLS

It is morning - Saturday morning - opening eyes - what a place - so sweet!!! Thank you, Kadi!
A little bit hard (waking up, I mean). But everybody (Kadi, Anita and me) feeling excitment, because it was second day of GLS in Tallinn.
We have to be out at least 8 o'clock in the morning - because of conference - NO :) because last night we left our car somewhere - and free parking in Tallinn, it is only to 8 :)
We have one hour - haven't eaten breakfast - where, Kadi, where we can eat at 8 in Sat morning (Kadi's cakes we ate already yesterday). There is coming answer: "I don't know!" Mmmmmm...
Let's find out - all places closed.... sleepy, hunger for coffee... fun...and  hard....
And then - there is loud music - in the saturday morning - where? where? if there is a music - it means, there have to be a coffeeeeee!!!
Loca - fun place - entering to caffee - huge smile and loud welcoming - hahahhaaa!!! In Estonia that kind of greeting is rare, specially in the morning - but that make all of us happy and smile!
They didn't had usual breakfast - but coffee and mushrooom soup is really OK!!! With thankful hearts doing morning prayer - and took out Bible, let's take one scripture from Bible for today :) Anita said - stop and Kadi said number - and there is verse from Jonah 1:6: "How is it that you are sleeping? Get up, call on your God!"

Now we are ready for conference - LET's GO GIRLS!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I read that :)

Richard Branson. Business Stripped Bare. 
Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur.

GOOD!!! :) 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Appointed time

Sitting on my workplace and have done all work what needed and just communicating with people and after I got some spare moments. Began to think about my life and vision and about God`s plan in my life. And I found one article where Francis Frangipane wrote: "If God gave you a vision, a spiritual hope or dream for your future, there will be an appointed time when that which God spoke come to pass!"
Such a couragement :) i remembered lot of things what I have dreamed and there are things what God has put into my heart, but haven`t yet fulfilled - but I am holding on that vision and know that this appointed time will come.
That makes me rejoice! And there is lot of things what has fulfilled already :) All thanks to God!!!!