Thursday, August 12, 2010

Quick changes

In my life, I love when something is happening and that makes me excited. But sometimes we are waiting changes and when those things began to happen - then those things are frightening us.
I was thinking about that today - change can happen fast. At the moment I see that in my life. Am I afraid??? Why I am thinking, that I am afraid? Don't know, but I know, what I can do - TRUST GOD. Even, when it is not comfortable for me, I know that it can be part of God's process.
(9-th, Aug 2010 Before storm at Kadrina)
At the moment there are some challenges,
I have to face them! What should I do?

I want to follow God - TRUST HIM! I know, He will give me enough strength - changes is friend not a foe. My God is my compass during a storm of change! Cool!
I know, change means that God is at work. And that makes me happy, knowing - however quick and calculated change has been, He is unchanging and can be trusted! And the main - what I was thinking - God has designed change to be part of a believer's process of sanctification-becoming more like Jesus! I want to be more like Jesus! Come changes, come!
I trust You, Lord!!!


  1. nice...I was just thinking to write something to my blog and then you said you were writing your blog:D we do think similary...hihih:D at least sometimes. but i also realised that if I write smt then I actually should start new blog or change the name of this one:D I´m exited toooo:)

  2. Hey dear, that's awesome if you start again :) so I am waiting :) HUGS!!!
