Friday, August 13, 2010

August Rush

August is always for me special month - that is like the end of the year. Having a vacation but already prearing yourself to the next work-period. It brings for me also an excitment - as a youthleader, I am thinking how to go on this year with youthwork.
What is now God's direction? We have had with Him really great times and step-by-step He gives instructions. For me this summer has been quite hard, because I didn't have from my workplace (hospital) vacation and all summerstuff I had fit it in the schedule. But God was mercyful and He softened my boss heart and I could do English Camp, even I didn't have vacation. God has been my summer-organizer and even that after camp i had to work very often - He gave me strength to handle with that - and I am happy and in peace.

English Camp was awesome! 4 people gave their heart to Jesus and there were quite many people who dedicated their life again to Lord. Fruits and that made my heart rejoice, even before I felt that there is no any energy left. Thank you Lord!

I don't want that this August is rush by myself but together with God. And that will be Awesome August Rush - following His ways. I am ready!!!!

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