Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I am Estonian!!!

At the camp fire with our and some of Tallinn youths (20-th of August, 2010)
I am so blessed, that I am estonian, because God created me so!!!
I am proud to be estonian, but I want also be a humble!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today's discovery

Yesterday I was at work for 24 hour and I finished today morning. I feel really well, I got some rest, because babies didn't want to come last night. So I had enough time to deal with youthwork - and organize our church youth weekend event: RestingDays. The purpose of the event: that is launching platform for the youths to attend of youthmeetings. But also it is build-up relation time, getting together with friends and new friends and spending three days together in the forest. Tents, sleepingbags, food on fire and so on!!!! OLDSCHOOL!!! Sitting at the fire and worshipping God, telling testimonies - praying, celebrating independency of our country. It is not camp - but gathering together, reunion.
Storm's art near our camping place

When the first time the idea came from Lord (i believe, He gave that thought) - I said only - yes, I can take it easy, not much organizing, don't have to put all my heart on it - JUST TAKING EASY. But when reality came, I realized - even when I am doing the most simple thing, I have to put my whole heart into that. God is never doing His job only 50% or 80%. When He is at work, that is 100% I can't take it easy, but my heart can be in peace not worring.
And today I discovered - that is like organizing big youthcamp and usually we are planning that for months, but now - we got for that only some days :) But my heart is in peace. God himself is working - and eveything fits together amazingly.
At the moment there registered already 40 youths and maybe there will be more - I am happy and my heart is rejoice'ing. People are calling - asking what they can do for that event! Awesome! Some day's ago I went to look over camping place - and storm have done dancing there too, lot of broken trees, but already people are dealing with that to clean up the place. Youths are ready to do - what needed. So great!!! I believe, that for everyone, this weekend is a very special time together with God and friends. I WON'T TAKE IT EASY - but 100%

So, every person, thank you, that you are ready to put you whole heart on that!!!!
Let's have Karmel Youth RestingDays with God!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Midnight friend pic

.... and still looking great.
Everymoment with friends is a golden time and refreshed, even when it is midnight!

Love you!!!!
[Dedicated to Liis and Maria]
14-th, August, 2010
Happy Half-Valentines Day!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

August Rush

August is always for me special month - that is like the end of the year. Having a vacation but already prearing yourself to the next work-period. It brings for me also an excitment - as a youthleader, I am thinking how to go on this year with youthwork.
What is now God's direction? We have had with Him really great times and step-by-step He gives instructions. For me this summer has been quite hard, because I didn't have from my workplace (hospital) vacation and all summerstuff I had fit it in the schedule. But God was mercyful and He softened my boss heart and I could do English Camp, even I didn't have vacation. God has been my summer-organizer and even that after camp i had to work very often - He gave me strength to handle with that - and I am happy and in peace.

English Camp was awesome! 4 people gave their heart to Jesus and there were quite many people who dedicated their life again to Lord. Fruits and that made my heart rejoice, even before I felt that there is no any energy left. Thank you Lord!

I don't want that this August is rush by myself but together with God. And that will be Awesome August Rush - following His ways. I am ready!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Quick changes

In my life, I love when something is happening and that makes me excited. But sometimes we are waiting changes and when those things began to happen - then those things are frightening us.
I was thinking about that today - change can happen fast. At the moment I see that in my life. Am I afraid??? Why I am thinking, that I am afraid? Don't know, but I know, what I can do - TRUST GOD. Even, when it is not comfortable for me, I know that it can be part of God's process.
(9-th, Aug 2010 Before storm at Kadrina)
At the moment there are some challenges,
I have to face them! What should I do?

I want to follow God - TRUST HIM! I know, He will give me enough strength - changes is friend not a foe. My God is my compass during a storm of change! Cool!
I know, change means that God is at work. And that makes me happy, knowing - however quick and calculated change has been, He is unchanging and can be trusted! And the main - what I was thinking - God has designed change to be part of a believer's process of sanctification-becoming more like Jesus! I want to be more like Jesus! Come changes, come!
I trust You, Lord!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Haven't written for a long time...

.... I discovered that today. Ouch! :) So many things has happened and I didn't want to spent much time in the internet. There are so much to talk about - but to write down words - at the moment is so hard, I even don't know why.
But even, that there have passed for almost 4 months - I have seen so many God's blessings - even when there have been really high walls on my road.
I am still happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is doing amazing work among the youths!!!
I had awesome time in South-Africa!!!
I learned on a new way how to walk in the peace of God in different situations.
And I try to learn, how to rest wisely.
Not much talking today :D
Good night!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy Year 2010

Now it is 2010 :)
New year like every year when year begins :) But it depends on us - what kind of year will be. How we walk with God - how we make decicions and how we handle different situations, challenges, even difficulties - that what makes this year 2010 special.
My year will be special one - walking with God, apprecate friends, seeing people around who I can help and doing good. Always when you are following the plan of God - always the year is special one.

So lets make that year together unique.