Friday, August 15, 2008

Yehuu - vacation - Hiiumaa!!!

Yehuu - i just can celebrate - now i am in real vacation with Riin in Hiiumaa. At the moment we are sitting in one great cafe and enjoying the view to the sea - just ended our dinner and big cups of coffeee :) We needed to just take our time out. We almost don't want to plan anything - we'll just see what happen and do whatever we want. We reach here yesterday - it was my first time to drive here by my car :) it was fun - because it needed to drive a little bit faster - because we had to catch our boat :) Next time we plan just our time better.
Interview with Riin:
- Riin why did u come here?
Riin: "Efka invited and sea was calling - but real reason was that i haven't been in Hiiumaa before."
- So, what were your first emotions, when u arrived to that little island?
Riin: "Actually - anything."
- Wow - you don't like here then?
Riin: "No, no, nooooooooo! I didn't meant that. But i just don't have so big emotions i love that i can be free and have a vacation. It is our second day - everything just is good."
- I heard that you went shopping also? So, did u spend a lot of money?
"Yeah - almost 250 EEk. And i am very happy for my earrings :)"
- These are really beautiful. But did u buy something useful?
"Yes - i am practical person - i bought bottle of water, that is the almost main thing what our physical body needs after air."
- That's good - Efka need such kind clever friend. So i don't want to bother your vacation anymore and i hope that u have really great time in this island. Thank you, Riin, for answering those quetions. Thank you Efka, that you quetioned Riin :)
As you see - we have here super time at the moment - so maybe later we will write here more if we find somewhere wireless connection - but now we are going to discover some sightseeing and then meet with Timo - he gives us shelter for todays night :)
Bye :)

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