Friday, August 15, 2008

So that is the second night and again we have really great place - Timo and Tarmo let us to spend night in the local baptist church and we welcomed that happily :) we have really "hard" times hehehehehee!!!

As you see - today will be the our sleepingplace (Kärdla Baptist church upperroom) and Riin feels here very comfortable :) Local pastor said, that only at 6 o'clock in the morning there will be praymeeting downstairs :)
So what we did then in the evening. At 6 in the evening we discovered, that we want to see some places - so my wish was to go Kallaste Bank. My imagination was great - so we almost drove back to Heltermaa - and for amazment was, that was in the middle-of-forest hahahahahaaaa!

So Riin could also wish what kind of place she would go. She chose PALUKÜLA - Her Village :) (It is connected with her's last name)

So we did there special trip and she said that she will maybe ????????????????????? go to live there and marry in the local church - hehehehehee!!!!!

So we also visited Paluküla church - beautiful :)

As you see - it was so hard to took her away from there :)

And in the other pic she is waiting for right person :)

So, now we are again together with Riin and I have great possiblity to ask some quetions:

- Riin, what are you doing?

Riin: "Dreaming!"

- So because you had such great day in some special places? Did it impact you so much?

Riin: "Yes, deeply - specially Paluküla"

I almost see tears in her eyes.

- Are you coming back with me?

Riin: "I really would love to stay Paluküla, but at first - church needs to build up. So I am patient and waiting for right timing. Yes, I am coming with you. "

- Thank you Riin, you are so special friend. So you can chose from todays pic your favourite :)

Riin: "Really? I it is SO hard - then I take one and i have quetion for public - how many people are in the cabin?"

- That is really hard quetion? But let our public will quess that :)

But now I say just good-night from the greenland and believe that we can you show around and tell some true-stories again :)


Eff and Riin

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