Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I was talking with my mom - she was spent time with my granny and she said: "Efka, do you know, what has been your granny's most funniest profession - and she got officially paid for that?" I couldn't figure out :)


Wow, she was working at her young age in Siberia some kind malary-center. She and one other girl - they had special things with what they tried to catch them. And every evening they had to write report :D WOW :)
Mosquito catcher family 15 years ago :)
(Grandpa passed away last year) But my granny is still full of power :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

There is always Success with God

It is already second half of summer. The time has been blessed and I've seen how God is working amazingly among our youths and kids.
We have had two amazing camps in our church. One was for youths - English camp named Collision and the second one just ended last week - was our kids camp named One Way.
Those were super. I saw how God changed students and kids heart and how well worked our young leaders - taking care of each-other. Sharing out God's love. I am proud of every students - and it so great to know, that they are not just some students but very lovely friends - I really preciate them and enjoying every moment with them.

Kunda EC 2011 Collision

Children camp 2011 - One Way

In a EC - 3 students gave their lives to Jesus. That is so awesome. And many children gave their lives to Jesus in children camp. Interesting fact about kids camp - that it was raining terribly and we almost decided to end the camp one day earlier -because lot of tents were full of water (mine too) and it seemed that there is no ending coming more water. Quite desperate situation (we were for 4 days living in the forest with tents with 55 kids and 35 students and camp leaders, making food on fire - quite extreme but really awesome) - but suddenly on saturday morning came resolution - we got keys one house - so we coud continue the camp and on that evening many kids got to saved. That was AWESOME!!!! :)
On the last day of the camp - kids were crying - didn't want to leave - they said that it was the best camp forever - even team said that it ended too quickly even most of the leaders have slept only for some hours. But this left the mark - God's fingerprint to every kids heart (many of them were from non-christian families) :) I saw how it joined our teenagers leaders heart - they gave their best :) And I believe this work is going on - blessed! Thank you, Lord :)
But in this summer there have happend more lovely things :)
My dream-birthdayparty - my friends made this special (it lasts for 3 days-in the forest) hahhahaaaa! (There were over 40 people - came those who could and wanted - open to everybody)
Maila and Henry got married! Yehuuuuuuuu!!!!!! Maila, that's my girl :)
Spending special time with Riin, Siki.
Janek and Rebekah moved to Kunda (today we having supper together at Liis' place - already waiting for that) mmm :)
Having a lot of fun :) and i really enjoy reading (every spare moment, even when i am sitting in the car and waiting somebody).
Having vacation and now I am back to work - and even for two weeks there is lot of lack of sleeping, but the joy is really high :)
And at the moment 3 roses at my tabel remembering me that I really love my work at hospital too :) even when there is so much work to do and eyes don't stay open anymore - babyboom :D
And all thank to God - He is making me strong and that I can walk in His peace and joy :) SUPER!!!