Monday, June 20, 2011

Sweets in yesterday

Yesterday was lovely and also the day before yesterday - my best days in this summer (ahahaa - summer hasn't even begin) But what made those days - of course friends!!!

We just spent time together and that made my heart rejoice :D

Friends whom i haven't seen already like half a year and suddenly one friend appeared middle of the day in Rakvere (i knew that she is in Hungary) - no words almost came my mouth - I just couldn't believe my eyes. (Really hard to describe feelings :) ) SO HAPPY!!!!

In the evening we went also to Paide with Riin and Liis. And this place is my second homeplace - lot of memories and lot of good work what God has done in my life there.

When I was there in the church service - I was thinking how those dear peole have impacted my life so awesomely.

Friends are gift from Lord - SWEETS!! (Pic made in Paide chilling :D ) Muahh!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

School of Leaders

First year finished :D (5-th of June, 2011)

That was very special time and special people.