Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Connection-groups - we named our youth smallgroups so :)

Connection with God!
Connection with church!
Connection with friends!
Connection with new friends!

Today we gathered together with our youth connection-group leaders and our pastor Gunnar shared some things from Word of God.
At the moment we have in our church 5 youth smallgroups - and today we could share with eachother, how is it going!!!

Leaders are:
Anette and Pille (12-14 years girls)
Erki, Gert and Ardi (13-17 year guys)
Maila and Anita (17-19 year girls)
Liis, Maily and Maria (18+ guys and girls)
Regiina, Kadi and me (14-16 girls living in Kadrina-14 km from Rakvere)

I am really happy, that those leaders are ready to give their heart for the youths. Sometimes it is not a easy work, but if you are working for God - things are different.
My heart is jumping with joy - how God is lifting up leaders and training them and working inside of them. And I keep praying that Lord is lifting up more leaders who are taking their position and following with 100% Lord.

Guys, it is such a privilege to work with you!!!
Thank you Anette, Pille, Erki, Gert, Ardi, Maila, Anita, Liis, Maily, Maria, Regiina and Kadi!!!
(In pic missing Anette, Pille, Gert, Ardi, Kadi and Maria - they couldn't come today)