Monday, March 30, 2009

God is working in Rakvere :)

So - quiet day - half :) Lately have so many positive things happen and I am really thankful to Lord for all that. Because, in every day where we live, God has made those days for us.
Riin where in my place - even we were so tired to talk a lot - but I just enjoyed your company (i know, you are reading that blog) and today morning went so quickly - that we could only drink coffee together - [By the way Riin, I am coming Paide on 8-th April :) to be with Ellen's girls, so I will call you :D]
Last night we did dinner together with friends in my place - before we went cinema (not very good movie-but i stayed alive :) ) But in the Sunday morning - that was happy!!!
Then was sunday morning meeting and six our youths joined with our church members! That was so great. They got baptized two weeks ago in our youthcamp - and now it was formal - lay hands on!!! My heart is always full of joy when youths are doing dedication to Lord.

Church elders (Veronika, Meelis and Gunnar) are laying hands on Mattias.

Also in youthmeetings are in really high-times. Youths want to more and more get to know God - and in EVERY youthmeeting there are at least one NEW person! And that is so wonderful to see how quickly they are getting friends with eachother. And our team also is really motivated - seeing how God is working. That is not our strength - but HIS!!!

On friday youthmeeting!

Anitas game from France :) Girls vs Guys

More games :)

Worship time!

Young preacher Anette sharing hers testemony!

The other preacher :) Regiina!

Maria is sharing about friends through God's perspective - and examples are Jaanika and Kristiina :)

Usual friday midnight shift after youthmeeting :D this time felloshipping and playing UNO-cards!

There is much more to talk about but now I have to hurry to my really good and lovely friend's birthday party! But see you later and then we can share again what God has done in small town named Rakvere!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Choose life

... that was our youth wintercamp theme. That was awesome!
God is Great!!!
Thank you everybody - who give their time and invest into the Karmel's youths lives!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009



... about camping - those times are for young people very special - and to me also. Of course in organizing process - you are thinking - does everything go well - how God is moving this time :)

I have been in different camps for 14 years - and never ever i haven't been in a bad camp :) so I already know that tommorow will begin for our Karmel teenagers and team very special camp what lasts for 3 days. Living togeter - learning about God, worshiping, praying, having fun, night action in forest, baptising (yes - this time we have baptising in the camp - so exciting - 8 persons get baptised), our pastor Gunnar, Märt Saar and Meeme - are preaching there :)

Now just looking over some last things and then .. one, two, three - START! Those people, who are in the team - they preparing different things with their heart and are ready invest their lives into the teenagers life :) And team is super! Maybe I am overexcited - but that is privilege to work with that team.
Thank you God!
Thank you team!
Thank you youths!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Young people

The greatest young people in my life :)

Biblestudy time :)

Guys - YOU ARE GREAT - See you in the camp!!!