Sunday, March 18, 2007

Youthcamp in Avispea - LOSE YOURSELF TO GOD

- Cup of coffeee and then to work... with preparing team - next to me is Maily - my great friend!
Now I am back from Youthcamp what lasted three days! These events are always so special, because these times changes everytime in me something. It doesn't matter, that usually there can't rest and sleep... but that is YOUTHCAMP and youths never sleep - heheheheheheheeee... so i couldn't sleep much also. But it was so great to see how quickly was "icebreak" because there wasn't only our church youths - yes, that was our church youthcamp with some friends from the other churches. The place was small and there were 40-45 youths but we had so GREAT time!!! I always enjoy when i can be together with youths because they are also my friends too and they are so special to me and i love each of them :)
Maila is designing our wonderful campingplace!!!

As always - our problem is - programming over - hahahaahhahaa! But it was really fun - every person who did something there - it was so great and interesting - of course the best times were we could together worship God and enjoy His presence and listen His voice and Word!

IN the Friday evening - youth are listening main preacher Hanna (18) her adventures with God in Australia - where she spent time for 6 months.

Worship time!

Later in the evening we just took time to pray and worship - that was so special and life changing! Some of the youths just were crying in the presence of God - the others just kneeled!

Morning active action!!! MOVE IT; MOVE IT... - Maily is leading :) And that wasn't slow - no mercy - ahahahahaaa...

Morning pray!!! We need that everyday ...

Looking to the kitchen side too... Liis and Irina - not agree with me, that I could make good pic of them

... Ups, teamleaders sleepingroom - mess as always ... ahahahahahaaaaa... why i am not amazed

Youthpastor Gunnar with fun costume is taking some names from the box - so who is the lucky one and can in the morning wash dishes... LOSE YOURSELF :)

I have much more pic but in the other camera - so maybe if i got some time - i add some pic more ... so as u already see in some pic - we had wonderful time - maybe next time you want to come and join - hahahahahaaaa!

But I am so thankful to God for that camp - Thank U Lord!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Already over two months

Oh, no! I haven't written already for a long time - and so many things has happened! Ok, now I am fulltime working midwife - i graduated - yehuu, and very well! And I really love that work - of course I haven't forgot youthwork also - just preparing for a youthcamp, what is beginning in Friday! So, as u see - all the time is going on something special.
Today most of the time i spend with my very good friend Irka - as u see in the pic - what has made today!